Squirrel points out that it’s not a scarf, it’s a Keffiyeh. And you shouldn’t be wearing one if you haven’t spent a semester in the Middle East.
Submit a hipster kitty photoThanks to Stephanie Levy for the photo.Prayer Scarf Kitty

Squirrel points out that it’s not a scarf, it’s a Keffiyeh. And you shouldn’t be wearing one if you haven’t spent a semester in the Middle East.
Submit a hipster kitty photoThanks to Stephanie Levy for the photo.Tags: flannel, gray, international, politics are cool, protesters, scarves, tabbies
This kitty was posted on Saturday, February 27th, 2010 at 12:54 pm and is filed under Fancy Pants Cats.
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Just thought I’d point it out; that actually *is* a scarf.
(Squirrel just glares at you)