Jade blogged about jailbreaking her iPhone to play FLAC, but doesn’t exactly own an iPhone. Or any FLAC files.

Thanks to Sara V. for the photo.

Graffiti Artist Cat

Graffiti Artist Cat

Max wants you to think about this cheese metaphysically.

Thanks to Michael A. for the photo.

Sasquatch Festival Kitty

Sasquatch Festival Kitty

Deja doesn’t need hard drugs anymore.

Thanks to Stephanie M. for the photo.

Depressed Film Nerd

Depressed Film Nerd

Owen G. Pants found Vice TV’s documentary on Liberia to be “more depressing than The 400 Blows“.

Thanks to HMK for the photo.

Coney Island Kitty

Coney Island Kitty

Sunshine is concerned about Coney Island’s sustainability practices, and has mentioned rainwater catchment to several of the carnies.

Thanks to Misti Gillen for the photo.

Androgynous Scarf Cat

Androgynous Scarf Cat

Don’t get Chuck Bass started on the differences between “world music” and “international rock”.

Thanks to Archaffi for the photo.

Chillwave Cat

Chillwave Cat

Penny thought Yeasayer’s live show was an “iTunes ripoff” and is “totally over electro”.

Thanks to Mary N. for the photo.

Depressed Hipster Cat

Depressed Hipster Cat

Tazo’s boyfriend recently changed his Facebook relationship status to “it’s complicated”.

Thanks to Tracy McG. for the photo.

Munchies Cat

Munchies Cat

Sweetheart’s “2AM PBR run” quickly became a “2AM cookies run”.

Thanks to Elizabeth DuBois for the photo.