Hipster Kitties Tagged ‘gray’

80’s Cat

80’s Cat

Don’t confuse the 80’s with the early 90’s around Nixon.

Thanks to Emily Kastelic for the photo.

Fancy Scarf Kitty

Fancy Scarf Kitty

Spike is into 18th century epic poetry, Gregorian chant and sodomy.

Thanks to Charles Elmore for the photo.

Ready For The Gym

Ready For The Gym

Tux spends over an hour getting ready for a thirty-minute aerobics class.

Thanks to joanna8555 for the photo.

Prayer Scarf Kitty

Prayer Scarf Kitty

Squirrel points out that it’s not a scarf, it’s a Keffiyeh. And you shouldn’t be wearing one if you haven’t spent a semester in the Middle East.

Thanks to Stephanie Levy for the photo.

Kitty Gaga

Kitty Gaga

Lulu is from the rough streets of “Strong Island”.

Thanks to Ophelia Photography for the photo.

Skateboard Cat

Skateboard Cat

Cody talks about how skateboarding is “the only way to get around Brooklyn”, but he rarely has anywhere to go.

Thanks to Jerk With A Camera for the photo.

Fancy Scarf Cat

Fancy Scarf Cat

Oliver refers to Vampire Weekend as “kafka-esque”.

Thanks to Catherine for the photo.

Tea Time

Tea Time

Nixon only wants one Xanax in his Earl Grey tonight.

Thanks to Emily Kastelic for the photo.

Artsy Hat Cat

Artsy Hat Cat

Bailey thinks La Dolce Vita is a pretentious piece of shit and that Fellini only really hit the mark with .

Thanks to ShimmerGreen for the photo.